What are you delivery locations?

We deliver to All over India.
Worldwide shipping is also available but shipping charges will be extra.

How can I register with Gebisha Fashion?

Just go to “My Account” and register yourself with your basic details such as your email address and create password of your choice and you’re registered for gebishafashion.com

How do I shop with Gebisha Fashion?

Just browse and start adding products to cart. If you want to give the gifts to your near ones on special occasions just add products to cart and don’t forget to sign in. Once all the products have been added to the cart you can proceed to the final payment transaction.

What are the delivery timeline?

Your product will be delivered within 5-7 working days after receiving your order.

How can I be updated on the offers and promotions?

Stay in touch with Gebisha Fashion for the latest offers and promotions on the website and also follow us on various social media platforms.

How will I get to know the status of my order after dispatch?

You will get your Tracking ID when your order is dispatched. So you can track it by yourself.